Our Ethos
Our school is:
Child-centred: Children have a voice in school
life through the Student Council. Every
member of the school community is called by
their first name. We do not wear a school
uniform. Children are at the centre of our
approach to education.
Equality based: All children have equal rights
of access to the school, and all social, cultural
and religious backgrounds are equally
respected. Every child's achievements are
recognised. Effort and creativity is
celebrated. We strive to develop every
child's academic ability, self esteem and self
Co-educational: We are committed to
encouraging all children to explore their full
range of abilities and opportunities.
Democratic: Children have a say in how we run
the school, parents help with activities e.g.
shared reading, projects. We have a Parents
Association and parents are represented on
the Board of Management. There is no
discrimination. There is active participation
by parents in the life of the school, whilst
positively affirming the professional role of
the teachers.
We aim to promote a philosophy of education
in which no child is considered an outsider,
which promotes the fullest development of
ability irrespective of gender, class or
stereotype and which encapsulates this ethos
in a democratic partnership uniquely
combining the involvement of parents with the
professional role of teachers.
What is an Educate Together School?
We are state funded and teach the same
National Curriculum subjects as all other
Irish primary schools. Ethical Education is
taught in place of religious instruction. The
Ethical Education Curriculum is called 'Learn
Together' and is divided up as follows:
Moral and Spiritual Development
Equality and Justice
Belief Systems
Ethics and the
These strands are
embedded in the daily
life of the school.